Google For EDU: Tech Tool Kit Introduction for the Series
Google For EDU: Tech Tool Kit Introduction for the Series
Global Educator Support Series - Virtual Classroom Student Jobs
Global Educator Support Series - Virtual Classroom Student Jobs
Google Classroom Video Series - How Do I engage Students in Their Learning
Google Classroom Video Series - How Do I engage Students in Their Learning
Design Thinking: Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century Webinar
Design Thinking: Teaching and Learning in the 21st Century Webinar
Evolving Learning - Guest Presenter with Lainie Rowell
Evolving Learning - Guest Presenter with Lainie Rowell
FallCUE 2020 Boom:
You are Where You Are
FallCUE 2020 Boom:
You are Where You Are
FallCUE 2020:
A Goole Innovator's Journey: Growing Your Problems into Life Changing Projects
FallCUE 2020:
A Goole Innovator's Journey: Growing Your Problems into Life Changing Projects

FallCUE 2020 Google For EDU Presentation: Building Connection Using Google Tools
FallCUE 2020 Google For EDU Presentation: Building Connection Using Google Tools
Google For EDU: Google Jr Series - Writing An Email
Google For EDU: Google Jr Series - Writing An Email
Modeling Quality Engagement Expectations
Modeling Quality Engagement Expectations
From Problem to Project: The Story of Global GEG
From Problem to Project: The Story of Global GEG
What is Design Thinking Presentation for GEG Buenos Aires
What is Design Thinking Presentation for GEG Buenos Aires
Can We Talk? Spark Session (20 minutes)
Can We Talk? Spark Session (20 minutes)
Can We Talk? Personality, Teams, Conversations, and Feedback
Can We Talk? Personality, Teams, Conversations, and Feedback
A Shift in Mindset: Approaches to Distance Learning
A Shift in Mindset: Approaches to Distance Learning
SmackDown 2
Round 3 Champion!
SmackDown 2
Round 3 Champion!
EduProtocols 2
with Jon Corripo
EduProtocols 2
with Jon Corripo
Bootcamp MC Day 1
Bootcamp MC Day 1
Bootcamp MC Day 2
Bootcamp MC Day 2
Bootcamp MC Day 3
Bootcamp MC Day 3
Moderator for Mental Health Matters
Moderator for Mental Health Matters
Professional Learning/Staff Presentations
SGGGEGN Show Episodes
SGGGEGN Episode 8: Feb
SGGGEGN Episode 8: Feb
SGGGEGN Episode 7: Dec
SGGGEGN Episode 7: Dec
SGGGEGN Episode 6: Nov
SGGGEGN Episode 6: Nov
SGGGEGN Episode 5: Oct
SGGGEGN Episode 5: Oct
SGGGEGN Episode 4: Sept
SGGGEGN Episode 4: Sept
SGGGEGN Episode 3: Aug
SGGGEGN Episode 3: Aug
SGGGEGN Episode 2: July
SGGGEGN Episode 2: July
SGGGEGN Episode 1: June
SGGGEGN Episode 1: June
Interested in hosting your own EdCamp and need some support? Feel free to use the website below to learn about how I worked with other local teacher to run your own. Reach out for more info and I am happy to be a thought partner.
If you are interested in the Google Innovator, Trainer, or Coach program, my application videos are below. I am always happy to support anyone in their journey as a thought partner. Feel free to reach out.
Innovator Application Video
Innovator Application Video
Trainer Application Video
Trainer Application Video
Coach Application Video
Coach Application Video